Building a Canvas Course
Tips, Videos, and Help to Get You StartedBefore You Get Started
This section focuses on course-level understanding and construction considerations. When watched in sequence, the videos create a big picture as to how Canvas works and how each of the components interact with others in the course.
Things to Consider
- Any assignments you want to show up in your gradebook must be created and published in either Assignments, Discussions, or Quizzes. You can build each type of assignment from under Modules also. In order for students to see these assignments and appear in the gradebook, they must be published. Publishing happens at three levels: The course, the module, the Canvas item. You do not have to publish everything; some items make sense to remain unpublished and only seen by the instructor, either until a certain date or for the entire course.
- Creating an assignment with a point value and due date will automatically populate the Calendar, Syllabus Course Summary, Dashboard To-Do list, and Gradebook.
- We recommend exploring Canvas and learning how the tools work. First, clicking on and selecting some items in Canvas triggers more options to be revealed. Two, hovering over some items will reveal more options. And third, click on the gear icons to reveal more options. Sometimes what you are looking for is hidden behind one of those gears and vertical ellipses!
- When updating your course navigation (a video everyone should watch), consider how/where you want your students to access the important components of the course. Refer to the video below.
Course Settings, Navigation, and Homepage
This video (Time: 5:07) explores the important items found under Course Details (Start Date, End Date, Grading Scheme) and how to properly set up your course navigation, both of which can found by clicking on Settings from the course navigational menu. The video ends with demonstrating how to set your home page.
There are three videos provided that address Canvas Assignments. The first video (Time: 14:13) discusses, in detail, how to create an assignment in Canvas, including all options available. This is a great place to start when building the assignments that will make up your course gradebook. These assignments are not only online assignments. It also shows the student view of an assignments, highlighting each type of submission type. The second video (Time: 2:32) discusses how to build an assignment list when all assignments are done and submitted on paper, such as in-class quizzes and exams, worksheets, and projects. The third video (Time: 1:07) addresses a common question asked concerning how to drop a specified number of assignments within a category of assignments, such as drop the lowest 2 quizzes.
Online Discussions
There are two videos that address Canvas Discussions, which are online discussions similar to ANGEL discussion forums. The first video (Time: 8:29) discusses how to build the forum in which online discussion will take place, also addressing some pedagogical considerations for using online discussions. The second video (Time: 0:52) is very brief and addresses a common question regarding how to allow students the ability to attach files to a discussion thread. Note: All online discussion built will show up under Discussions AND Assignments automatically, and later you will see how they can be brought into Modules. This is a good reason to watch the Course Settings- Navigation video below as you decide what items should appear in the student navigation menu.
Online Quizzes
There are three videos that address Canvas Quizzes, which are online quizzes. These should not be confused with in-class quizzes that are completed on paper. In-class, on-paper quizzes should be created under Assignments with the submission type of “On paper.” The first video (Time: 6:48) discusses the different quiz details or settings that can be utilized when administering the quiz, including time limits, randomized answer order, and access codes. The second video (Time: 6:38) compliments the first video by discussing how to build a question bank for the quiz. The third video (Time: 2:06) discusses the options in moderating the quiz, making it easy for an instructor to provide extra time or more attempts to an individual student. The fourth video (Time: 3:45) discusses how to insert an image into a quiz question. Note: All online quizzes built will show up under Quizzes AND Assignments automatically, and later you will see how they can be brought into Modules. This is a good reason to watch the Course Settings- Navigation video below as you decide what items should appear in the student navigation menu.
This video discusses how to share files with your students in Canvas. Please note that Files automatically publishes all uploaded files. If there are files you wish to remain unpublished, you will have to unpublish them after upload (ex. Answer keys for exams). (Time: 3:25)
Content Pages
This video discusses how to create content pages in your course. These content pages can be used to display needed information such as reading lists, assignment instructions, or general instructional material. (Time: 2:19)
This video discusses an organizational strategy for your course in which you organize components of your course into thematic modules. A module is an aggregate for items in your course (assignments, discussions, quizzes, content pages, files, etc.) that allows you to group course items together to make navigation easier for your students. It also allows you to add website links and restrict students from accessing certain items until other items have been completed (ex. submit an assignment to allow access to a quiz or PowerPoint). Instructors who use modules generally disable Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, Pages, and Files from the course navigation (see Course Settings- Navigation video below for more information). (Time: 6:49)
The first video (Time: 3:21) discusses how to upload your syllabus (recommended in document form) and make it available to your students from the Syllabus. The second video, which was made a few years ago, also discusses this but also addresses how the Course Summary (formerly called the Assignments Summary) interacts with all assignments and events included in the course, which will mimic what is shown on the Calendar. (Time: 5:10)
Communication Tools
There are three videos addressing the various communication tools available within the course. Not included here are the videos regarding Discussions and the Inbox (for emails). The first video (Time: 2:55) discusses how to create and post course announcements. The second video (Time: 6:10) discusses how to create, schedule, and interact within the virtual conference tool found in all courses. This virtual conference setting is called The Big Blue Button, and is similar to Adobe Connect, but it can be scheduled by and used by teachers and students. The third video (1:54) discusses the Chat feature available in all Canvas courses.
Course Announcements
Announcements are one way to communicate with your students from within the course.