Canvas Quizzes and Assignment Feedback

Guide your students to find your feedback

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Quiz and Assignment Feedback for Students

Many instructors assume that students can find the valuable, thoughtfully-constructed feedback being provided in Speedgrader, but that’s unfortunately not true in all cases. It should be part of class routine to review Canvas and what students should expect when reviewing instructor feedback to assignments and quizzes. Do not assume they know where to view all comments and constructed feedback.

Getting Familiar with the Student View

In order to answer questions from students and guide their exploration of Canvas, you should first be knowledgeable about what their interactions will look like. Student view of Canvas is different than instructor view.

  1. Switch to Student View (from Settings->Student View on the right side or generally found at the top of the screen) and submit the assignment or quiz as the test student.
  2. Leave Student View (bottom right corner of the screen) and, under Grades or within Speedgrader, provide comments in all possible fields. If it’s an assignment, provide submission comments. If it’s a quiz, provide end-of-quiz submission comments as well as individual question feedback. Complete the grading process.
  3. Switch back to Student View and explore the steps to finding all comments.

Did you know that students can leave submission comments in response to your comments? And did you know that submission comments can be made using recorded video?

    Viewing Assignment Comments and Feedback

    This section is related to the student view of assignment comments. You may consider sharing the Canvas Student Guide Article, Viewing assignment comments, with students.


    In the image above, you will notice the following:

    • The submission comment is located on the right (Well done completing this assignment! — Doug Roberts). If you attached a document for them to review, like a Word document with comments, it would be in that same area.
    • If you used Speedgrader, the students can view feedback as an image by clicking on “View Feedback.” Under Student View, it would be helpful if you saw what this looks like for students.
    • If you are using a rubric, there is a link for “Show Rubric” under the displayed grade that many students miss.


    Viewing Quiz Comments and Feedback

    This section is related to the student view of quiz comments. You may consider sharing the Canvas Student Guide Article, Viewing quiz comments, with students.

    Download and review the Student Review of Completed Quiz document. Screenshots and tutorials accompany the following topics:


    • Showing how the Grade Posting Policy in the Canvas gradebook impacts the release of the quiz review
    • How the selection of the various quiz details impact what students see after submissions and grades posted (“Let Students See Their Quiz Responses” section of the quiz details)
    • The various types of feedback that can be provided during construction of the online quiz, before students take the quiz
    • A student view of quiz grades and comments (that can be distributed to students if needed)